
Louis XIV And The Criticisms Of Absolutism Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Naomi Cheuk
Honors 113
Core Texts
26 September 2017

Author: Montesquieu
Title: Louis XIV and the Critique of Absolutism, 1721 page #s in Popiel: 87-88
a. King of France governs his family, his court his state all the same way
b. His character is quite contradictory in terms of many things such as his use of religion, vison on war and personal interactions. He only prefers when things work in his favor and never sees other perspectives.
c. He prefers those who serve him simply with basic tasks, chores to those who help him win wars.
d. He is extremely rich, with properties to prove for it as well as a great army.
Uses in the game:
a. Who (which faction) can best use this document? Conservative clergy and nobles
b. What is the most …show more content…

How can opponents best counter this argument (include main idea and source for that idea)?
Opponents of this argument could use “Pope Pius Vi Civil Oath”, because he states that the Catholic Church isn’t always correlating with the government. Pope Pius ordered the clergy to stand by any claims made by the National Assembly.

Author: Young
Title: Abuses of the Ancien Regime page #s in Popiel: 93
It’s unfair to have capitaineres because -
a. Large lands are being used for crop production which are going to waste.
b. On the preserves, animals are being protected for the sole purpose for the nobility to go hunting
c. Animals are being used for sport, when they could be put to good use by feeding poor families.
d. The hunting seasons limit times to harvest crop
Uses in the game:
a. Who (which faction) can best use this document? Jacobins
b. What is the most important idea in this reading for that faction? The nobles are being selfish with their resources when the population needs food.
c. How can opponents best counter this argument (include main idea and source for that idea)?
Opponents can refer to “Declaration of the King Upon the Estates General, June 23, 1789.” King Louis XVI released a decree to the people calling for …show more content…

In governments that don’t abuse power, there is political liberty.
b. Judicial, Exec, and Legislative powers should be separated.
c. On issues that people can’t vote on directly, representatives should represent them.
d. Representatives should represent from different regions.
e. Nobilities should not be able to inflict harm on the freedom of others.
Uses in the game:
a. Who (which faction) can best use this document? The Feuillants
b. What is the most important idea in this reading for that faction? The monarchy should end, and power should be spread out between 3 branches.
c. How can opponents best counter this argument (include main idea and source for that idea)?
Opponents could use “First Discourse: On the Moral Effects of the Arts and Sciences, 1750,” because it shows how the science and arts have worsened people’s morals and made the nature of man worse.

Author: Voltaire
Title: Law, Religion, and the State, 1764 page #s in Popiel: 94-95
a. The government should have the most authority with laws, not the church.
b. Permitting labor on religious festivals and deals with marriage laws should only be allowed by civil

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