
Louis Xiv : The French Head Of State

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Maybe one of the most famous of European monarchs, King Louis XIV ruled France for about 72 years, was the French head of state. King Louis XIV reign was believed to be reputably famous as one of Absolute government, mainly because the king had his own dominating and particular way of governing the nation. At a young age of only 5 years old he attained the powers of a a king, Louis XIV ruled with the help of his mother and Cardinal Mazarin acting as head of the state deciding most of the civilian and official problems concerning the governance of France. With no from of formal and proper education. Louis XIV but grew with huge vision on nearly all matters of governance and developed up to be an extremely brilliant head of state. Since then start of his adulthood, XIV had supposed many plans for his country, and if one was to grade Louis XIV to today 's standards, one would surely place him in the group of 'Type-A personality '. It was because Louis XIV had learned and also from childhood that the top way to rule was to control the matter with absolute authority. By doing this, the King chose his consultants and advisors from the group of 'non-nobles, with the goal of inviting smallest disagreement, and for reasons of daunting his motives and decision without being questioned. The nobles were also useful, and had to remain engaged around the King 's loop, mainly because to win over their assurance, in return to there wealth and positions offered to them from the

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