
Louisiana State Fair Essay

Decent Essays

The unfortunate crisis event, that took place at the Indiana State Fair, caused the organization to experience a negative reputation. Unfortunately, the negative reputation was a result of poor crisis management, crisis planning, and failure to put the safety of the attendees and employees, as a top priority. In preparation for a high school baseball game that involves hundreds of people, I would carefully research the actions and decisions that were made by the Louisiana State Fair officials and management. To begin, I would assess my crisis management team, in an effort to determine if new members, with admirable strengths need to be added, or if some members need to be removed due to lack of strengths, knowledge, and team learning. Also, experienced team members and …show more content…

Enthusiastically, the planning of the event would consist of monitoring the national weather forecast, before the event was scheduled to be held. In the event that the weather was predicted to be dangerous or life threatening, the event would be cancelled and notifications would be made via the agreed upon social media sites and other methods that would provide the public with the cancellation. In the event that the baseball game has begun and severe weather unexpectedly appears, I would make the decision to stop the game and guide the attendees to a safe location. If I am unable to attend the event, an employee will be assigned the responsibility of ending the game and providing leadership to the other team members. Overall, my team and I would exemplify learning from the Louisiana State Fair, by our strategic planning, preparing, monitoring, and acting, in all of our appointed roles. As a team, we would work together with a spirit of resilience and social responsibility to serve, protect, and represent the mission of our

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