
Love And Buttercup Quotes

Decent Essays

For this project I drew a farm scene with a big heart with quotes from the book. The farm scene is very stereotypical and this is how I imagine the farm looking. It has a horse just like Buttercup does. Also there is Westley in the background because he is not only one of the main characters but on the farm is where the star-crossed lovers fell for each other. The heart in the center represents how strong their love is for each other. The fact that the heart is in the center represents how the whole story revolves around the love they have for each other and what they will endure to be with one another.
I drew this because I felt that the place where the two kindled their relationship was a good background and i also felt that it was an easy scene to draw. The heart goes with the theme of love being everlasting and that whatever they do they do it for love. for instance when Buttercup found out that the man in black was Westley she fell down the hill after him. She wanted to …show more content…

I see Jesus as Westly, us as humans as Buttercup and Satan as Humperdinck. It makes sense because in the beginning we were with God and then we fell from him. And then he came back to us and he died then rose again to new life. We the people have the opportunity to chase after him but we don't have to. We have the option to be with satan just like Buttercup has the choice in marrying Humperdinck. All the other people in the story represent either the Angels that live with us one earth and heaven or the demos that also live with us. Just like Jesus, westley died and came back to life with magic. Except Jesus’ was because he is not of this world and Wesley's was the work of a Miracle man that made a pill and covered it with chocolate. I can relate this to Jesus because no matter what Jesus has everlasting love for us when we mess up. Westley aslohas everlasting love for Buttercup no matter what she does he will always be there for

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