
The Brave Sister in In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

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Minerva Mirabal was a heroine because she was brave. Minerva Mirabal is a heroine from the book In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. There were four
Mirabal sisters, Patria, Dede, Minerva, and Maria Teresa. The Mirabal sisters stood up for what was right even if it was against the dictator, Trujillo. Patria, Minerva, and
Maria Teresa were killed by Trujillo's orders, leaving Dede as the only surviving
Mirabal sister. Minerva Mirabal was a heroine because she stood up for what she believed in, she was outspoken, and she was the bravest sister.
Minerva was a heroine because she stood up for what she believed in. Minerva said, "What's more important, romance or revolution? But a little voice kept saying,
Both, both, I want both. …show more content…

She was a hero to Sinita. Minerva announced, "My hands freed, I saved the day, according to what Sinita had said later."(Alvarez 22)
Minerva was outspoken at the performance at her school and kept Sinita from getting in a lot of trouble. Minerva argued, "I'm not interested in admirers until I have my law degree."(Alvarez 66) Minerva was independent and did not care what anyone else thought. She cared about her education and was outspoken because she knew what she wanted to do. To be outspoken and stand up you must also be brave.
Minerva was a heroine because she was the bravest sister. Minerva is hearing
Sinita's story about Trujillo and she can hardly bear it, "I started crying, but I pinched my arms to stop. I had to be brave for Sinita."(Alvarez 17) She tried to be there for other people and listen to their problems no matter how hard it was for her. Minerva explained the story of Trujillo dancing with her, "He yanks me by the wrist, thrusting his pelvis at me in a vulgar way, and I can see my hand in an endless slow motion rise----a mind all its own----and come down on the astonished, made-up face." (Alvarez 67) Minerva did not like the way Trujillo was treating her, and instead of bowing down to his authority, she stood up for herself, which took courage.
Minerva convinced herself to take a risk, "But I'm so sure I can beat him now that I know his secret. "I'll toss," I say, my voice shaking."(Alvarez 76) Minerva took risks to get

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