
Love And Free Will In Ally Condie's A Brave New World

Decent Essays

Most people would consider a world without cancer, sickness, and heartache better than

what we have now. Matched takes place in the future, where the world has rid itself of all things

that cause pain to humans. This world might not have painful things in life, but it is ruled by a

government that controls everything you do. You would not have the decision to do anything

which would still cause pain. They control where you work, what you do in your free time, who

you marry, how many kids you will have, what food you eat at every meal, and much more.

The government is trying to make a perfect world for its people, therefore they control

every part of your life. Nobody ever seems to question the government much until Cassia Reyes …show more content…

The author Ally Condie did a great job writing this book. She had amazing use of words,

and left the readers on the tips of their toes after each chapter. This lead me to not wanting to put

the book down. Condie wrote a page turning novel about love and free will. Her character Cassia

learns throughout the book that the government isn't as great as she always thought it was. Living

in a society where love is controlled would be difficult, and even though not many question it,

Cassia and Ky rebel, so they can end up happy together. The ending of Matched is a little tear

jerking, but now I just cannot wait to read the next book to the series to find out what happens

Reading this book made me realize the world we have isn't so bad. We may have deadly

diseases, and people that marry several times, or people that cannot have kids, but I would rather

live in a world with flaws than a world where every move we make is practically someone else's

decision. Humans are meant to make mistakes, and in this futuristic novel it shows you what can

happen when all the bad is gone. It reminds me of the quote you can't have a rainbow without

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