
Essay on Love in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis

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At an early point in history, The Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Genesis were two texts that set the framework of the entire world. They were two epics that established the foundations of religion, literature, and all other standards that were followed by every category of people. Both texts entice the audience through antique language, and the stories of epic heroes and immortal gods. Sin-Leqi-Unninni and the many writers of the Bible use love as their central theme, yet it unfolds as having distinguishing effects on all characters throughout both texts. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the author conveys love as a motivational factor for helping Gilgamesh and other characters transition into better individuals, whereas in the Old …show more content…

The joyful people will stoop with sorrow; and when you have gone to the earth I will let my hair grow for your sake, I will wander through the wilderness in the skin of a lion” (Unninni 95). He stays with him until his body starts to diminish, and later finds himself searching for immortality. Gilgamesh goes on a journey challenging the gods of the underworld searching for his immortality and a chance to see Enkindu. At the start of the text Gilgamesh was empowered by the acts of raping the towns women and belittling men, nevertheless, Enkindu is the figure that actually contests Gilgamesh for his power. It is through Enkindu that he realizes how precious humanity can be. Whether it is a homosexual or brotherly love, Gilgamesh falls in love with the man in Enkindu that helps him transpire into a greater human being. This quote reveals the first time that Gilgamesh makes a sacrifice in the name of love. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Leqi Unninni conveys through his writing that the account of Gilgamesh maturing is done through the act of love. In Genesis, Cain shows similar qualities to Enkindu. Where Enkindu was searching for recognition of the Uruk people, Cain was fighting for the recognition of God after his sacrifices were not sufficient enough to compete with those of Abel. As a result, Cain kills his brother, showing the corrupt side of

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