
Low Mass Stars: Stellar Evolution

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Stellar Evolution Did you know that stars don’t stay as stars, they change over the course of time. Stellar Evolution is the star's life cycle. It includes the birth, life, and death of a star. Stars die out due to their mass because their fate depends on it. Stars have two main masses so, each mass results a different ending for each star. The two main masses are Low Mass and High Mass. These two masses of stars have different endings, so let us begin on each of their life cycles.

Low mass stars are like the Sun. The Sun is a perfect example of this mass. All stars start out from a place called the Stellar Nebula. The Stellar Nebula is a cloud of gas, (hydrogen, helium and other elements) with dust. When the nebula contracts, …show more content…

These two masses go through a similar process. High Mass Stars are born from the Stellar Nebula,(just like the Low Mass stars), and become a star although they are a lot bigger than them. They too become Red Giants, but as Red Supergiants. After becoming a Red Supergiant, there is a distinction. High Mass stars go through a phase called Supernova. A Supernova happens when a star runs out of nuclear fuel, making its mass seep through into it’s core. Soon enough, the core gets too heavy it can’t withstand its own gravitational pull so it collapses. This results in an enormous explosion. After the Supernova, there are two things a High Mass star ends up as. A Black Hole or a Neutron Star. A Black hole is like a gravitational vacuum. It sucks up matter, radiation, and even light. So much matter clumped in a tiny space makes the Black hole extremely powerful. A Neutron star is formed after the explosion, when the stars outer layer blows apart in a spectacular display. It leaves a small, dense core that continues to diminish. Protons and electrons are packed tightly by gravity, producing the …show more content…

Low Mass and High Mass stars start out from the same place and both evolve into Red giants. Although after that, Low Mass stars end up as white dwarfs. Big mass stars end up as Black Holes or Neutron Stars. Each phase of a star is a result of the star changing it’s

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