Lowering the drinking age from 21 would be irresponsible. People argue that lowering the drinking age is not smart because most youths still have not yet reached a mature age to handle alcohol. Teens that include themselves in an unsafe environment are likely to endure in self-harm and encounter in binge drinking. The Alcohol Policy Information System says, “Annually, about 5,000 youth under the age of 21 die in incidents due to underage drinking” (“Drinking”). I believe the drinking age should not be lowered because of the major hazards that could occur, an increase in traffic accidents, and the age maturity to handle alcohol responsibly. Many risks and hazards can be caused from the use of alcohol. Binge drinking is extremely …show more content…
al). Drinking is dangerous as it is, but underage drinking just upsurges the risk of wrecks, the health problems, and dependence on alcohol through adulthood (“Underage”).
Age maturity is a big when dealing with alcohol. It’s obvious that teenagers under 21 are not yet mature, and are still trying to figure out their life. Even at the age of 18 they are entering a new phase with work, college, and a stage of independence. Nowadays parents allow their teens to consume alcohol as long as it is at their home, so they are sure they have a place to stay and can be in control. Some parents introduce alcohol to their teen in a responsible way to teach them and ensure they are safe when they become independent. In this case, teens think drinking is okay. Handling alcohol irresponsibly like this increases the teens killing themselves due to high alcohol content. Research states that if a child under 18 is drinking, they are also getting drunk. They report that 65 % of teens who drink monthly show that they are getting drunk at least once a month (“Underage”). Anything lowered from Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) 21 would be medically irresponsible. The early adult brain can be easily affected and when alcohol interferes it can cause addiction, memory loss, and violence (“Underage”).
Teenagers are not responsible enough for MLDA to be lowered. There are many risks to what could happen if the drinking age
Every year, thousands of minors die from the use of alcohol. Many young adults abuse the drinking age policy. It is put in effect for substantial reasons, which contribute in making the safest environment for all. Drinking underage is not only illegal, but also damages one’s health tremendously. Furthermore, drinking in large amounts is extremely dangerous and can cause detrimental things to occur. There have been numerous attempts to create a law to lower the drinking age, but none have gone through. In contrast to what some people may say, the drinking age should not be lowered because it would decrease maturity, promote poor behavior, and damage reputations.
Sub point B: Drinking under the influence is perhaps the most detrimental subject when it comes to lowering the drinking age. Many are scared that these 18 year olds will take the streets and cause horrific accidents but According to www.chooseresponsiblity.org last accessed May 18th ,2014 "... twice as many 21-year-olds died in alcohol-related auto accidents as 18 year-olds.”
Deaths go up when the drinking age is lowered, and they godown when it is raised.” But it can barely reduce the population of the drinking people and underage drinking. According to the historical data, in United States, there had a prohibition of alcohol before in 1920. The reason of this prohibition is that alcohol is the root cause of crime. Although alcohol is illegal trafficking, but still easy to buy in the underground bars and other underground organizations. It also cause a lot of social Issues. So we can see the prohibition can not even prohibit people getting alcohol. The MLDA 21 just can be a guide since people who underage still can drink. More education is needed for teenager. They should be taught more knowledge and hazard of alcohol. Also reduce the legal drinking age to 18, which require they take their responsibility as an adult. This is the only way to reduce the precentage of drinking people and also in order to reduce alcohol-related traffic
5,000 people die each year due to underage drinking. Do we really want to lower the drinking age? Teens think it is fine to drink even though it is against the law and is very harmful to themselves and the people around them. Even though the law says you can’t drink before the age of 21 most people don’t follow it. We think the law should stay the same because it affects the brain, it is harmful to the people involved, and it affects the emotions and actions of the drinker.
Underage drinking was, is, and always will be a problem. No matter the drinking age, teenagers will find a way to score some alcohol somewhere. Many college students actually invest in fake ID’s. This is a common way for people underage to acquire alcohol. The maturity level of teenagers is not great enough to withstand the power to buy alcohol. Teenagers are less responsible and there are studies that show it. A study commenced by “dui.drivinglaws.org” recorded that seventeen percent of fatal accidents happen from underage drunk drivers. If the law was lowered it would be medically irresponsible. The brain of young adults is nowhere near fully developed as a teenager.
Their is even an organization known as Mothers Against Drunk Driving who think the drinking age should not be lowered. According to their website, they strongly support the MLDA of 21 and believe it helps our young maturing brains. Moms strongly argue that lowering the drinking age could have a lifetime of negative consequences. Others also believe that teens could have easier access to alcohol. Rhonda Jones Webb studies the epidemiology of alcohol use.
Some people may argue that it shouldn’t be decreased because young brains keep growing until age 22, and if those brains are exposed to alcohol before 22, it could lead to greater health problems later in life. Most can agree that many teenagers are impetuous, brash, are sometimes reckless, and that’s why the drinking age shouldn’t be reduced. Although, most young adults have had alcohol before turning 22, even with complying with the legal drinking age. It’s easy to see why the drinking age shouldn’t be reduced like with an MLDA (minimum legal drinking age) of 21 there are fewer traffic accidents and fatalities according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). A possible concern is that if the MLDA is decreased, then 16 and 17 year olds might find that since the age is reduced, then they can start drinking and won’t be caught, but there is the inevitable that underage teenagers will drink as stated by a 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 68% of 12th graders claimed that they had tried alcohol. Admittedly, there is always no guarantee that reducing the drinking age will help diminish underage
Despite the problems that would arise, many people are beginning to feel that the drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen. Studies have been made; however, no hard evidence suggesting lowering the minimum drinking age would help have surfaced. Although there are countless studies of how alcohol has many harmful effects on teenagers, there is a great deal of negative criticism about what if the drinking age is lowered. Some would say the morally right decision is to not allow teens the chance to hurt themselves. Everyone is entitled to having his or her own opinions and beliefs. However, the overall health of the youth of our country seems a little more important than some personal belief. The drinking age should not be
A very controversial argument amongst Americans is determining that the current legal drinking age which is 21 should be lowered to eighteen or not. Researching the following propaganda made me understand the dangers to the youth and people in America if the drinking age were to lower. Therefore i will argue with whoever disagrees with me that the drinking age should be lowered.
“The MLDA should stay at 21 because people tend to be more mature and responsible at 21 than 18.” Adults at the age 21 are more responsible and have been on their own for 4 years and know how to take care of themselves. Alcohol at the age 18 isn't the best options for young adults and the MLDA should stay at
Supporters of lowering the MLDA compared America to other countries that have a minimum drinking age of 18. Supporters of lowering the MLDA say that in countries where the drinking age 18 young people drink smarter. John McCardell points out some interesting statistic he states” in southern European countries ratios of all drinking occasions to intoxication occasions were quite low roughly one in ten while in the United States, almost half of all
Almost everyone can agree that alcohol should not be given or allowed to children or young adults under a certain age. Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and if you used incorrectly or immaturely the consequences can be great danger to the users or the ones around them. The topic of lowering the drinking age has been in discussion for many decades. “Between 1970 and 1976, 29 states lowered their age for drinking alcohol. The results were catastrophic. Highway deaths among teenagers and young adults skyrocketed. Almost immediately, states began raising the minimum drinking age again.” “In 1984, Congress passed the Uniform Drinking Age Act, which required states to have a minimum drinking age of 21 for all types of alcohol
Alcohol having a set age limit has made it more appealing to teenagers than anything else, so why not lower the drinking age? This has been a hot topic for many of decades but has started becoming more relevant in today’s social scene. Teens are still going to drink whether the law is changed or not so why go through the steps of changing it? For starters if the drinking age was reinstated at eighteen where it was for many years (in certain states). Youth would be more informed of alcohol and how making certain decisions while under the influence could alter their lives, instead of treating it as the forbidden fruit. Everything changed in 1984 when the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed and now federal law has it listed as no one under the age of 21 can buy or consume alcohol, this is where it stands today. There are numerous reasons backing why lowering the drinking age to eighteen would be both logically and socially acceptable, reasons ranging from at the age of eighteen your classified as an adult to how many countries have had lower drinking ages to eighteen or even younger and have had less issues surrounding the consumption of alcohol.
When it comes to an alcohol safety policy, the United States has never attracted more research and public attention than the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA). In the U.S., the legal drinking age is one of the highest worldwide. The MLDA of 21 is to control traffic fatalities, protect young teens from killing themselves while driving under the influence, and prevent damage medically to a developing brain of a young adult. Many Americans believe that the drinking age of 21 has not stopped teen binge drinking events in uncontrolled environments; however, studies have shown that teens have not yet reached an age where they can handle alcohol responsibly, thus the drinking age should remain at 21.
Drinking age should be lowered, and I know that by lowering it we can drop the percentage of reckless teen alcohol abusers. It is worth trying it , and if everything goes the opposite then change the law once more which is done lots of times, for dumb reasons and raise the drinking age back to twenty-one. Changes are always good most of the times, and I know this one in particular is an excellent