
Luck Or Preparation Meeting Opportunity

Decent Essays

Oprah Winfrey said " Luck is a matter or preparation meeting opportunity." I can't find myself believing in luck as being a happy coincidence. Luck is self- made. "Luck" happens due to planning, whether they were impulsive or very developed/shaped plans put into action by myself or others. I will explain below 3 life experiences why Luck, as described by "preparation meeting opportunity", happened due to actions carried out as a result of plans. One example I can think of as what might bedescribed as palnning and opportunitry meeting would be when I fell in love. I believe that I happened to fall in love because I planned to, not due to a happy coincidence. I was raised with the idea that there was a cartian time in life that it was ok to fall in love. In my head, I wanted to be older than my parents were when they fell in love. I specifically wanted to fall in love at the age of 25, and that's when it happened. I …show more content…

I picked the class to take and attend. I scheduled my senior schedule to accomadate allowing class attendence and practive schedule needed for class participation points. My Band director explained to the class that if they simply attended class every day, practiced half an hour ,5 days a week and signed a participation saying that student honestly did, and that we as students attended all band functions, we would getan automatic " A". Though it sounds very simple, it was a challenging class. Band practice was 4 days a week, plus football games and competitions. Going to school while having colds and practicing at home while having homework made senior year jam packed with little freet time. I worked for that 'A" in my band class because the school disctict offered the class, and my Band director offer an "A' in the class if we fullfilled all of the aforementioned

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