
Lucy Stone Thesis

Decent Essays

“ I think, with never-ending gratitude , that the young women of today do not and can never know at what price their right to free speech and to speak at all in public has been earned.” - Lucy Stone. My peron did many things that not many women would think of doing because they were not allowed. She is the reason why you may know her would be for helping protect women’s rights; this was Lucy Stone. She has always been against things like slavery and fighting for women's rights since she was little but she only became world know once she was the first women get a college degree. She also grew famous by supporting the women’s national loyal league created by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Three main things that she was known for was for was being an abolitionist, prominent American …show more content…

she got inspired to do this by listening to other people who had the same feelings about slavery, “Stone emerged as an outspoken voice in the anti-slavery movement and the women's rights cause.” My reasoning why I think this is important because if Lucy didn’t stand up for what was right now one was going to have the courage to do it themselves so she did it not only for her satisfaction but for others as well. After she gave some of her speeches a local company reached out to her and asked if she would like to be their agent. In addition to her making speeches on note cards and things like that she would also write newspaper articles then make the speech off of this. Based off the articles that she used to write companies would want to partner up with her to help. The companies that helped support the newspaper company would also support Lucy because they thought that she was unique and brave and wanted to help support that decision. During the speeches she would not only talk about how slavery was wrong but would step up to the stage and talk about how women needed more

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