
Ludwik Zamenhof Ap Language

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that would ‘transcend borders’ and ‘create a climate of peace in Europe’, which, given that Esperanto was created between 1870 and 1880 and the political climate which gradually resulted in the instigation of the First World War, was extremely insightful. In short, Zamenhof used phonemes from the Slavic languages (he was of Polish descent) whilst using a more Romance lexicon. His ultimate purpose was to keep the grammar as simple as possible in order to create a language that was easily accessible to all native speaker of a European language. Ludwik Zamenhof was born in Bialystock (in present-day Poland) in 1859, a time in which the town was considered to be part of the Russian Empire. In this community, Polish, German and Yiddish were all …show more content…

Zamenhof’s father, disapproved vehemently of his son’s fantasies; Ludwik Zamenhof’s own brother recounted in ‘Ludwikologiajbiografitoj 30’ that, “[Ludwik Zamenhof’s father] spoke about his work to the director of a Warsaw-Gymnasium who told him that his son was lost forever, that his work was the surest symptom of the onset of an incurable madness.” To linguists such as Mark Zamenhof, the prospect of such a language would have shown a profanity for the diverse European cultures, and an impossible dream. However, his son persevered. The fact that such a talented linguist as Mark Zamenhof expressed such a distaste for an inter-ethnic language is intriguing in and of itself. Mark Zamenhof, instead of following the usual Russian pursuits of his time, he became the ‘language instructor’ to a well-respected and wealthy family: the Zabłudowskis. At length, he founded a Jewish girls’ school in which he taught the various languages he knew. It could be considered that this too provided a catalyst that motivated L.L. Zamenhof’s desire to break from traditional linguistic ideals of his time, that is to say, the idea of learning various differing languages and spending years memorising, practising and learning vocabulary, grammar and grammatical exceptions of each natural human

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