
Luis Rodriguez Race Politics Poem

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In the poem “‘Race’ Politics” by Luis J. Rodriguez, connotation, imagery, and syntax was used to enhance the writing by helping us visualize and feel what the main character went through while dealing with racism in a neighborhood among whites and Mexicans. To begin, connotation used in this story gave the audience insight to how the characters felt about what happened to them. For example, in lines 11-12, they say “Decided we were men, not boys.” The effect this had on the reader was that we could understand that these young boys wanted to act grown up, like they could do whatever they wanted. Another example is “Oh, this was plenty reason to hate us” (ln. 41-41). The effect this had on the reader was it showed how the narrator’s tone changed …show more content…

For starters, in lines 7-12, they say, “Laughed a little. Thought about it. Said, what’s the big deal. Thought about that, Decided we were men, not boys.” This shows basically the narrator’s train of thought, and from this, the audience can make the conclusion there wasn’t much preparation in their actions. They used short and simple sentences, which moved it along quickly, much like their decision process. Another example is “Plenty reason to knock the groceries out from our arms - a splattering heap of soup cans, bread and candy” (ln. 45-48). The punctuation used helps show the audience how quickly the transition of the mood occurred, from sarcasm to bitterness. It also helps the reader how intense the whole event was, with dramatic pauses and repetition. With all this said, we can come to the conclusion that syntax helped the reader understand the reasoning behind actions and words said.
All in all, the poem “‘Race’ Politics” by Luis J. Rodriguez has multiple examples of connotation, imagery, and syntax which were used to enhance the story by helping us visualize what the main character went through dealing with racism in his everyday

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