
Lysistrata Essay

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The 1960’s is one of the high points of the American culture. Still riding off of the WWII production boom, The United States of America was as powerful as ever. They had a prominent and distinguishing fashion, the Civil Rights Movement took place, music swept the nation, we landed on the moon, and classic comedy from The Producers to The Three Stooges was a hoot. The comedy is the most important quality of all because it defines the hardiness and the pride of the society. Americans watching a musical glorifying Nazis, who murdered thousands of their fathers, and still managing to laugh is a testament to the great American pride and strength. Nowadays, Americans feel touchy on virtually every modern political argument there is to have . America isn’t laughing at itself anymore; it’s too tense, and this is why we’re so divided and paralyzed as a nation. If there was one society that knew how to laugh at itself, it was ancient Greece – specifically, ancient Greece in the time of Lysistrata1. Lysistrata remains famous all of these …show more content…

This oligarchy, run by four-hundred men, had power over Athens. This power, as so in all governments, serves to distinguish these four-hundred men from the rest of Athens, as if to place them in a higher caste. In this, comedy is essential in reminding the Athenians these four-hundred rulers also want sex and have human needs. Comedy humanizes the oligarchy, making them more understandable and reducing fear and improving understanding amongst the people, reducing political tension. As well, as the oligarchy receives word of comedic works like Lysistrata, they are reminded of their humanity, and so they become more empathetic, less egotistical, and less close-minded as leaders. The political machine, as a result of comedy, runs smoother because every person involved understands each other and is more willing to

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