
MCB Application Essay

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The human body fascinates me.
I remember watching my first CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode. A blond woman was sprawled out on the floor with a large ax protruding from her back. It was a ghastly sight for a ten-year-old. The medical examiner probing the lifeless body excited me; I never knew why, but it felt satisfying when he separated the body parts to determine the victim’s cause of death. I fell in love with the anatomy of the human body. Pictures of the human veins, bones, and muscles hung up in my room. I was not fawning over Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers. The human bodies surrounding me became my idols.
My fascination over the human body became, even more, complex after I was introduced to the effect of diseases. A virus, a small infectious agent, could easily cause destruction in the human body; it can take a complex life and obliterate it to smithereens. Death by an organism inside the body is like a silent murderer. The researchers who probe these organisms remind me of …show more content…

I intend on majoring in molecular and cellular biology. I want to take classes such as MCB 121: “The Microbes,” MCB 169: “Molecular and Cellular Immunology,” and even MCB 234: “Cellular Metabolism and Human Diseases.” I want to spread knowledge to the Boston community through the Access Health organization and even become a member of the Global Health Forum. I want to be inspired by professors who share the same love for diseases and the human body like Chester Alper, who studies the immune function, disease, and the human major histocompatibility complex; like K. Frank Austen, who researches innate and adaptive immune inflammation in allergic and asthmatic models; like Dan Barouch, who focuses on studying the immunology and virology of HIV-1 infection and developing novel vaccine

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