
Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5

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William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is a very famous play, and is well known for Macbeth’s internal struggles, seen through his soliloquies. Perhaps one of his most famous soliloquies was what is known as the “Tomorrow Speech”. The Tomorrow Speech, given by Macbeth after he learns his wife is dead and an army marches against him, shows how all his actions throughout the play have become meaningless to him, and he has lost all hope and ambition, which he had in abundance earlier in the play. Act 5, Scene 5, turns out to be a very dark scene for our main character. Three main themes in The Tomorrow Speech, Act 5, Scene 5, are time, loss, and fate, and how they are connected heavily through Macbeth’s mood in Scene 5 is crucial to the meaning of the soliloquy. …show more content…

Since the beginning of the play, he has spoken to three witch sisters, been told a prophecy that created his destructive ambition, has killed King Duncan and has become king, has lost his wife and his friend to his ambition, and now faces yet another prophecy that would bring about his death which he did not previously believe, but now is unfolding before his very eyes. But all that transpired before that has become meaningless to Macbeth, as he has just learned that his wife has committed suicide, and that Malcolm and Macduff have an English army that will soon be upon him. He is now indifferent to the fact that he cannot win the battle, as he has just lost his beloved wife due to his own

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