
Macbeth Act 4 Essay

Decent Essays

Worksheet Week 4
Prof Andre Wessels
Student Number: u17009376
Christopher Williamson
1 March 2017
Part A
1. The witches speak in trochaic tetrameter, whilst the nobles in the play, such as Macbeth, speak in iambic pentameter or blank verse. When the witches speak, they speak in a sing-song, chanting spells and rhyming manner. Ordinary characters speak normally. The difference in rhythm could be for instance that the witches belong to another world/supernatural world, hence they speak different and this emphasizes their role as evil characters, they also end their lines with rhyming couplets.
2. The words “so foul and fair a day I have not seen”, could signify Macbeth’s own conflicting thoughts at a time when he should be content in the idea …show more content…

Macduff, the focus turns to Macbeth’s relationship with Macduff, in line 69 of Act 4 scene 1, the witch’s visions show Macbeth Macduff’s face. Act 4.2.150-151 is when Macbeth decides to kill Macduff’s family whilst Macduff is in England rallying up an English army. In 4.3. Macduff speaks to Malcolm about Macbeth/King of Scotland. In act 5.8 Macduff slays Macbeth and is thus the hero of the play.
2. Macbeth seemed to think that the witches were his own secret weapon, when in fact they knew who would kill him, but they did not try and stop it by warning Macbeth. Macbeth realizes near the end of the play, that the witches knew when he would be murdered.
3. Macbeth deserves some sympathy. Macbeth’s wife dies in the last act just before entering battle and this couldn’t come at a worst time as his Kingship is under duress. Macbeth also hears of how his countrymen have joined the cause to overthrow him as the king. I feel for Macbeth, as I think the witches and Lady Macbeth played with his mind. Macbeth is a warrior and does not have all the psychological skills that the witches and Lady Macbeth has, they are cunning, a characteristic that Macbeth lacks, and they have exploited his weaknesses. It is sad to behold a fallen

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