
Machiavelli's Life Of Pi Consequentialism Analysis

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According to consequentialism, anything that results in a positive outcome is morally just. For example: when Pi broke his vegetarian eating habits, lied, and killed animals, it is without a doubt that he followed consequentialism. The teen performed unethical acts in order to receive a positive outcome. Well, Pi isn’t the only one who goes by these standards; in fact, Niccolo Machiavelli also promotes consequentialism when he advocates killing, inserting fear into his subjects, and lying. When looking at the big picture, Pi and Machiavelli go through many of the same thought processes, all of which reflect consequentialism. When one is stranded at sea, there’s not much to do for pleasure. Instead, one's focus must be on the task at hand: …show more content…

While yes, it can be argued that these are two totally different scenarios, they both go through the same thought process. In Machiavelli’s situation, he suggests that the best way to maintain power as a prince is to kill off potential opposition. He even gives an example of a prince using this strategy successfully. Referring to a previous ruler, Machiavelli writes “at a given signal, he had all his soldiers fall upon all the senators and richest citizens. These having been slain, he sized the lordship of the city and held it without any civil opposition.” (Machiavelli 40). The man Machiavelli is referring to performed an unethical act in order to help become a ruler, thus using consequentialism. Pi had a very similar process of thinking when he killed the hyena in The Life of Pi. He felt as if the hyena was posing a risk to his safety. The teen figured that in the end, exterminating the animal would provide with the best outcome. Obviously, Pi wasn’t trying to become a ruler, he was simply fighting for safety, but killing the hyena, though killing is bad, would ultimately help his situation the best. Both men justified killing -an act many see as unjustifiable- because it granted a positive outcome, thus consequentialism was

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