
Madagascar, Africa, By Madagascar

Decent Essays

For my county I chose Madagascar, Africa. Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2003 an index was created by the United Nations Development Program that measures successes in the categories of real income, life expectancy, and education. With that Madagascar was ranked 149 out of 175 counties. A lot of this can be due to kleptocratic rule, religion, economic colonialism, and lack of infrastructure.
Madagascar is still very much a developing country with the average Malagasy (term for a resident in Madagascar) making only one US dollar per day. Even though Madagascar achieved full independence in 1960 it is still ran today as if it were a colony. While under kleptocratic rule, the dictator Didier Ratsiraka stole millions of dollars. Which in turn led to a decline in foreign investors, it discouraged private sector development, and discredited the governments trustworthiness. This country is based on natural resource extraction and economies like this or much more prone to kleptocracy. When the president Marc Ravalomanana came to in 2002 he pushed for economic reform and tried to bring foreign investors back to the country while also keeping natural resource extraction an important role in building the economy. These efforts received much praise from foreign donors but towards the end of his presidency he was confronted by Adry Rajoelina who stated he was “likely to disturb peace and security”. Ravalomanana was then forced to resign due to

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