
Madam C. J. Walker Biography

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Madam C.J. Walker was born in 1867, she die on 1919, as “The first black women millionaire in America” for her successful line of hair care products.Born Sarah Breedlove, she was widowed be age 20 and took work as a laundress.After seeking treatment for hair loss, she developed the “Walker System” and sold her homemade products directly to black women.Walker also funded scholarships for women at the Tuskegee Institute and donated large sums to the NAACP, black YMCA and dozens of other charities.The daughter of Louisiana Sharecroppers.Walker was orphaned at six,married at fourteen, and widowed at twenty with a two-year-old daughter to care for. In 1905 Walker, who had been being her hari sought a treatment for the condition.The Method of beauty culture she developed revolutionized black hair care.She distinguished her products from the hair straightteners advocated be white cosmetic firms,arguing that her treatment was geared to the special health needs of blacks.She sold her homemade products directly to black women, using a personal approach that won her customers eventually a fleet of loyal saleswomen. Her lectures and demonstrations won thousands of customers, and in 1910 she moved her …show more content…

Walker train her “beauty accomplish” after establishing her business headquarters in Denver, with a branch in Pittsburg managed be her daughter A’Lelia.Her second hasband,Charles J. walker, a jouralist, helped promoted her wife’s flourishing enterprise.Her lectures and demonstations won thousand of costomers and in 1910 she moved her headquarters of Inianpolis.Her business employed over three thousand workers, mainly door-to-door

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