
Madison's Solution To A Strong Centralized Government

Decent Essays

Although the Anti-Federalists, who wrote the Brutus essays, understood the importance of amending the Articles of Confederation, they nonetheless opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Moreover, the Anti-Federalist had three main concerns regarding the new proposed Constitution. First, they were concerned about a strong centralized government, second, they worried about the protection of people’s individual rights and lastly, they were concerned about getting equal representation before the general assembly. In response to the Anti-Federalists concerns, Madison answered through Federalists number 10 that a strong centralized government can be controlled through a large republic, because it would be divided into four separate branches, thus making it difficult to factions to function. Furthermore, Madison addressed the second and third concerns of the …show more content…

Moreover, Madison understood that factions might arise with the purpose of controlling the government. For that reason, Madison’s solution to a strong centralized government, was to attack its causes and control the effects of factions. In order to accomplish this, Madison suggested a large republic to control the effects a faction. Furthermore, Madison argued that in a large republic, faction would not be successful because there would be too many factions to control the government. Evidently, by having a large republic the evils of factions in a strong central government can be controlled. In fact, Madison’s argument is that a large republic can function through delegating the government to a small number of citizens that would voice their constituents desires. Lastly, Madison explains that the Constitution forms a combination of respect between the federal government, state and local legislatures,allowing states their rights as

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