
Major Depression Research Paper

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While everyone on occasion experience some feeling of sadness, it is usually short lived and will pass within a few days. Those living with depression experience pain which interferes with their daily life (Seligman, 1975). It usually affects not only the individual, but also those who care about them. “Depression is very common and also very serious illness. Without treatment, these feelings can last anywhere between a few months to several years. “CITATION People with severe depression will experience a feeling of hopelessness that can lead to a risk of suicide. (Seligman, 1975) There are several different forms of depression. Major depression include clear symptoms that interferes with the daily lives of these individuals. It affects their …show more content…

Another form of depression is Psychotic depression. This form of depression occurs when a person experiences severe depression including some form of psychosis (having disturbing false beliefs or a break from reality also known as delusion) or having hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that can cause the person to become upset but no one else can hear or see). Postpartum depression is more serious than the usual “baby blues” women experience after giving birth. Women with this form of depression experience hormonal and physical changes due to the new responsibility of caring for a newborn which they find overwhelming. Studies have shown that approximately 10 to 15 percent of women experience this form of depression …show more content…

Depression can be caused by a combination of biological, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Depression is shown to be a disorder associated with the brain. Brain – imaging technologies such as the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), have shown that in the brains of individuals with depression, it appears different than those who are not living with depression. The parts of the brain associated with mood, sleep, thinking, appetite and the behaviour of the person appears under the MRI. The images however does not show whether or not depression will reoccur or cannot used to diagnose this condition. CITATION In some cases, this condition is present in families; however some individuals will become depressed at some point in their lives even without having any family background of the condition (Burbach, 1986).Research indicates that depression can also result from the influence of genes acting together with environmental factors. Additionally, factors such as trauma, death of a loved one, difficulty in a relationship, or any other stressful situation can trigger

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