
Making A Murderer Analysis

Decent Essays

In the documentary , Making a Murderer, they document the story of Steven Avery’s accusation of the murder of Teresa Halbach. Thrown into the mix is Brendan Dassey, a confused teenager with a low intelligence. He is put in an interview with a persuading cop and no parental supervision. These circumstances alone are reason he should not be tried for the murder of Teresa Halbach. The documentary and other evidence clearly show that he has a low I.Q. and is lead by the cop to the conclusion that he did it. Looking at the first interview they had with Brendan dassey you can tell that the cops persuasive words and persistence wording helps led Brendan to the conclusion that he must have seen something. They were interviewing him and asking about the bonfire Steven Avery and him had made the night Teresa Halbach was murdered. During the interview the cop repeatedly tells him that he had seen something in the fire that he had to have seen something. The cop does this without a confession from Brendan that he actually saw something in the fire. This places the image in Brendan's head and makes him feel like he had to have seen something. …show more content…

He has an I.Q. of 70 and it has been reported that he reads at a 4 grade level. In the documentary they describe him as a mentally disabled 16 year old, because he is so close to being mentally disabled there is a chance that without a parent or guardian present during some of the interviews that he thought he was doing the right thing by lying to the police about what happened. There is a very likely possibility that he knew what the police wanted to hear and not completely grasping the concept of what would happen to him, he told them what they had been telling him was what had to have happened because it fit the story that they had come up

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