
Making Difference Matter: A New Paradigm Analysis

Decent Essays

In the article, “Making Difference Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity,” the authors David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely state that the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm and the access-and-legitimacy paradigm are the ”perspectives that have guided most diversity initiatives to date.” (p. 80) Thomas and Ely took these two paradigms and came up with the learning-and-effectiveness paradigm, which combines the best of the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm and the access-and-legitimacy paradigm to create a paradigm that genuinely shows care to learn and understanding of diversity.
The discrimination-and-fairness paradigm is considered the “dominant way” of understanding diversity by most organizations. It attempts to remove discrimination and create employment equality by seeking to increase diversity among employees. Progress is measured by how well the company is able to meet its diversity number goals but avoids looking deeper at the reality behind the numbers. (Thomas & Ely p. 81) …show more content…

Thomas & Stephanie J. Creary it is clear that PepsiCo initially followed the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm. On the case PepsiCo realizes from a very early stage the important of hiring diverse employees and in 1940 implements an equal opportunity initiative to increase the number of minorities in the workforce. As PepsiCo does this, it is attempting to provide all individuals with the same opportunities of working with the company and therefore meet the goals set for increasing diversity in the

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