
Making Globalization Work - Joseph H.Stiglitz

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Study questions – Making Globalization Work (Joseph H. Stiglitz)

1. The five concerns raised by critics of globalization that Stiglitz discuss in Chapter 1 are: * The rules of the game that govern globalization are unfair, specifically designed to benefit the advanced industrial countries * Globalization advances material values over the values, such as a concern for the environment or for life itself * The way globalization has been managed has taken away much of the developing countries’ sovereignty, and their ability to make decisions themselves in key areas that affect their citizens’ well-being. In this sense, it has undermined democracy. * While the advocates of globalization have claimed that everyone will …show more content…

Meanwhile, Latin America embraced the Washington Consensus policies more wholeheartedly than any other region (indeed, the term was first coined with reference to policies advocated for that region). In earlier decades, Latin America had had notable success with strong government interventionist policies that were neither as refined as those employed in East Asia nor as subtle, being focused more on restriction of imports than on expansion of exports. High tariffs were placed on certain imports, to encourage the development of local industries, a strategy often referred to as import substitution. Most countries adopting Washington Consensus policies. As high inflation broke out in many of the countries, the Washington Consensus’s focus on fighting inflation made sense. While East Asia saw enormous reductions in poverty, progress in Latin America was minimal.

4. Governments still have a role to play. In order to produce a more egalitarian world and help the poorer countries to become richer, you cannot simply leave everything to the global marketplace. Market forces often tend to accentuate inequalities, rather than reduce them. That means what you are looking for is a new kind of relationship between governments and markets. Some of the best writing on this is by Joe Stiglitz, who was a famous economist at The World Bank. He wrote a series of articles about the International Monetary Fund, criticizing what he calls the "Washington Consensus." Stiglitz argues

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