
Malala Yousafzai Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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“ We are the human being, and this is the part of our human nature, That we do not learn the importance of anything until it’s snatched from our hands”(Malala Yousafzai). Ms. Yousafzai quote is an analysis of human nature and psychology; humans do not value the importance of something until it is taken away from them. The quote was proven true by many and one of them was the book Lord Of The Flies by William Golding. Human nature changes when the human beings are feeling threatened and also based on the circumstances they are surrounded by.
At the beginning of the novel, the boys knew they have to maintain law and order for their survival. But, knowing the fact they are alone and no adult to watch them “the world, that understandable and lawful world was slipping away”(Golding 91). Even before the impact of the surrounding that can have on the boys, knowing the fact that they are alone was dragging them away from the civilized world. All of them were free to do what they will. Nobody to stop and if tried then able to fight back. Or even threaten them. As the boys were getting themselves together. They had to light fire and find food, that will ensure their ability to survive even for a short period of time. When Jack asked Piggy to …show more content…

And doing what the desire to do, Ralph came to a realization that the are movings toward being a savage.“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savage”(Golding 42). Ralph says this when the boys have gathered. Even though Ralph pointed out these to all the boys, but not enough of them cared to do anything and ignored the fact. This would cost these boys until they get rescued. All the boys think about them self and continued to do what they were doing. After being fed up by not getting anything from the hunter's group Roger took it into his hand that they have to hunt a pig. “ Roger sharpened a stick on both ends”(Golding

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