
Male Body Image

Decent Essays

Despite the lack of response I knew I had to create something related to the male body, so I started to draw freely without any concerns regarding the outcome. With the Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art exhibition in mind I sketched a few naked male figures until I eventually ended up with a big, muscular cartoon man rendered in my own style – the way I see and appreciate the male form is translated in the way I draw.

It was then that I decided to turn it into an action figure, mainly because of what I read on Evolving Ideals of Male Body Image (2007), an article that Clare found for me after one of the tutorials I had with her. It hypothesizes that the shapes seen in action toys for children convey an evolution of cultural archetypes of male body image because characters grow more muscular with time, a fact also mentioned by Morgan (2005). Furthermore, the article made the same claims shown somewhere in the middle of the documentary Bigger Stronger Faster (2008) and backed up my own perceptions of when I was a child who grew up infatuated by muscular action figures whose bodies that were simply out of reach. Consequently Grogan (2008) points out that comparison in young boys is critical for their development in later years, stating a diversity of external factors that contribute to this to some extent, although she never mentions toys.

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