
Essay on Male and Female Nonverbal Indicators in Physical Attraction

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Male and Female Nonverbal Indicators in Physical Attraction

This study explores the reasons and origins behind nonverbal indicators in respect to male and female physical attraction. In addition to myself, a male and female subject were interviewed to see what nonverbal indicators we found to be attractive in men and women as well as what we thought the opposite sex found to be attractive in both sexes. Results suggested that despite social and cultural influences on physical attractiveness, both men and women primarily take a bio-evolutionary approach when looking for nonverbal indicators. Both subjects looked for nonverbal indicators that promote fertility in women and nonverbal indicators that promote the ability to …show more content…

Subsequently, this need to accrue resources is placed on her partner so that she may continue to nurse her child. With this idea in mind, women tend to be attracted to men who bear physical signs of being able to impregnate her, help her, and support her in raising a child. On the other hand, men look for a partner who is capable of bearing a child if he wishes to see his genes persist in the gene pool. Since women are born with only a certain number of eggs, it is important for the male to find a mature female partner who bears the physical requirements to birth a child, but not too old or else she may be infertile. For the remainder of this paper, specific nonverbal indicators of physical attraction will be discussed in closer detail with respect to the two evolutionary roles between men and women. May it be pointed out however that it is debated as to whether or not these “evolutionary roles” are still relevant. Many argue that these roles have drastically altered over time. Obviously, the structure of society enables us to live beyond a hunter gatherer lifestyle, and there are many examples seen today of these roles either disappearing or even shifting between genders. That is to say men can just as easily stay at home to raise a child while women may go to work and support the family. However, this paper argues that despite the disappearance and shifting of these roles in today’s

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