
Management Alternatives For Replacing Human Workforce Essay

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Management Alternatives to Replacing Human Workforce Management Alternatives to Replacing Human Workforce Uta Batts Fayetteville Technical Community College BUS 137 0001 FA Principles of Management Prof. Ray Walters November 14, 2016 Management Alternatives to Replacing Human Workforce Abstract In today’s workforce, there is a silent fear lurking amongst blue and white collar workers alike. There is a worldwide threat of machines beating people out of jobs that many have invested time and money to acquire. As leaders and positions of management we are the soothsayers to those masses. What can we as leaders be prepared to do to satiate the worried minds of the ones that depend on the existence of these positions? Would it be more detrimental or beneficial to society to reduce the human workforce and put so many bodies out of work? Does protecting the bottom line conflict with social responsibility? how management can incorporate a more utilitarian approach and stay in the game? Uta Batts Prof. Ray Walters Bus 137 0001 FA 16 November 2016 Management Alternatives to Replacing Human Workforce The fear of losing our jobs to automation is all but too real with predictions from consultants in partnership with Oxford University and economists forecasting that at least 35 percent of our jobs to be at risk within the next 20 years (Wakefield). As leaders of the masses in the human workforce we are not exempt from the effects of automation and it would serve us well

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