
Management Skills

Good Essays


Time is one of the most valuable resources for everyone. It should be managed properly by the managers of any organizations in order to run the organizations smoothly. And, Delegation is a process of assigning task by one person to the other. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how managers cannot function effectively without good Time Management and Delegation skills. It then discusses the benefits of time management and delegation, drawbacks of delegations and measures to improve time management and delegation skills.

Time Management

Managing time is very vital as time is very essential to everyone. Therefore, it should be used properly as it cannot be restored. It is a skill that anyone can develop if remain …show more content…

It helps managers to become more productive which eventually helps the organization to gain more good reputation in outside world. Consequently, being productive means there is a chance of being promoted to next level as well. In addition, due to effective time management, there will be reduction in stress levels. The confidence level grows with the increase in the accomplishments as a result of proper time management. And by completing allocated tasks on time, you have plenty of time to relax and have fun that ultimately leads to having peace of mind. Having a peace of mind means more focused at what we do and therefore, as a result it will be helpful in being more creative and innovative at work than others. Another advantage of time management is that it helps to identify and eliminate time wasting actions.

Furthermore, Delegation saves time and helps in increasing productivity. It benefits managers, as it will free up time for them. Delegations helps to priorities work as managers complete their more urgent tasks and delegate less important tasks to other subordinates. Weightman J described “Members of staff are valued when responsibility is delegated to them, but this involves delegating real responsibility, not just giving people jobs to do”(Pg. no. 100). Delegating task encourages and motivates subordinates, as they are given the responsibility to complete the task that will

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