
Mandatory Illness: Personal Goals And The Care Plan

Decent Essays

Personal Goals and the Care Plan When planning the course of action to be taken in order to improve Jack and Jacqueline overall health, there were many aspects that had to be considered. These aspects included, but were not limited to examining how the nurse could get Charles involved in this caring process despite his limited acknowledgement of Jack and his health, as well as what actions could be created to improve and benefit Jack and Jacqueline’s health, while also not creating more stress in their home environment. By considering these aspects, an action plan was developed in order to reach the established goals, which were to treat Jack’s respiratory illness, correcting Charles’ and Jacqueline’s potential false knowledge of Downs Syndrome, …show more content…

One of these norms that helped to guide care was the development of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Creating this relationship would have allowed for the establishment of trust and respect between the nurse, Jacqueline, and Jack, thereby fostering care and the improvement of personal health. Despite this nursing norm being implemented within the assessment as well as the care plans of both Canadian and Rwandan perspectives, there were also aspects that varied between the practices and norms implemented by the two perspectives. One norm in particular that was apparent in the Canadian, but not the Rwandan perspective was the utilization of community supports. Community supports can help to improve the health of individual(s) by employing various resources that can assist in reaching of the most desirable outcome(s) for said individual(s). As nursing in Canada is thought to be a practice that involves large amounts of collaboration, community supports are a common resource that many nurses rely on and incorporate into care. Moreover, although the Rwandan perspective did not suggest the use of community supports in Jack and Jacqueline’s care, this viewpoint still worked to address their goals, but in a way that solely involved the nurse providing …show more content…

One goal in particular that was showcased as possibly being greatly impacted by the health system was the goal to foster and improve Jack’s cognitive development. From the Canadian perspective, Jack’s cognitive development can be immensely supported through various government-funded health programs that are offered throughout various communities to children with disabilities. Also, public schools can provide the assistance children like Jack require through the use of Educational Assistants and individualized learning; regardless of this particular action occurring within the education system, it is shaped by the practices within the health system to ensure that each child’s individual cognitive health needs are being met. These health-based actions are a fantastic way to improve Jack’s development and are easily accessible as there would be no out of pocket cost to Jacqueline and Charles. From a Rwandan perspective, this goal of fostering Jack’s cognitive development may be more difficult to reach as the services required for further his cognitive improvement may not be available and/or they may be available but at a large expense to the family, one in which they may not be able to afford. In spite of both perspectives having the same objective of improving Jack’s development

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