
Mandatory Military Service Essay

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As many other countries mandate young adults partaking in the military for two years, the United States should follow suit. Many beneficial consequences would be rendered as a result of the increase in service. This would also be a great commencement into the real world for any young adult. These statements can be explored by discussing the benefits of free college tuition, disciplined young adults who are ready to follow orders, and the sheer power of numbers.
One exceptional perk of joining the military would be free college tuition. This would allow the students who have not excelled as fast as others a doorway to achieve their full potential. This would also benefit the United States as a whole country. Along with expanding the …show more content…

Another benefit of mandating the service of young adults is that they would be disciplined and setup for success in life as a productive citizen of the United States. Military boot camp is designed to break the recruit down to where they are not better than any other recruit, and then they train them to do their best in every task they approach. This creates unrivaled discipline and extreme excellence in every operation the United States military executes. Not only will this be useful while in military service, but also when they begin to operate in the working world. This requirement will unify the working force as a result of the mandated service. Businesses will be able to work efficiently and accurately in all that they accomplish. Again, this will improve the United States as a country. Why would the United States refuse this mandate? The only reason would be that they bring the law down to the lowest denominator of the few people who argue with the benefits. These people might say that not all people are designed to be in the military. However, the military has jobs for every make and model. Every talent is useful to the military. Making young adult serve in the military for two years would actually give them time to figure out what their future career is meant to be. Some people cannot ever be satisfied, and would object to anything! On the contrary, decisions that have the abundance of benefits as mandating service for young

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