
Military Draft Research Paper

Decent Essays

America spends over 650 billion dollars a year on having the most technologically advanced military in the world. Much of this money comes straight from U.S. taxpayer dollars. But there is one major problem in our military; the number of troops enlisting is dropping from previous years. With terrorist groups like ISIS, this is a bad time for numbers of soldiers to drop. The country needs more soldiers to keep freedom, and remain the powerhouse of the world. Without troops, our country might not be what it should be.
Right now America is changing in many different ways. Many people in the country have strong feelings towards the military, and the possibility of being drafted. If everyone was drafted into the military for two years after he or she graduates, it would have a huge impact on the people of this country. The draft would help control the growing population, that is causing major problems in the country; while the the men and women are away in the military; there is two years that they will not be …show more content…

For most of American history men, and women have rose to the occasion in times of war, and joined. Women served as nurses, and cooks, while the men fought. This idea of fighting for our country is slowly fading; the U.S. Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam war, and the Korean War all used drafts. What if everyone was required to spend two years in the military? When did the idea of fighting for one’s country, one’s freedom, leave the minds of young adults in the country. A two year draft might not affect you, but your children, your grandchildren, and so forth deserve to live in a country that is great. Fighting for your country should be something everyone takes part in; we should not take our freedom for granted; the United States of America has your back, give the country

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