The United States of America requiring adults between the ages of 18 to 30 to do mandatory volunteering may sound like a good idea, but has some underlying flaws that may cause more problems than solutions. Some of the problems that may occur would be people not being enthusiastic about volunteering, work ethic, and how we would pay mandatory volunteers. If something is being forced on to somebody most people will not find joy in doing it. Many people volunteer for they joy of helping and to get a sense of being able to give back to their community. Mandatory volunteering would take that away. Volunteering, if forced, would now seem like a job and undermine its value, as stated in The Heart of Service, paragraph 2. People would be
Many schools require students to participate in community service, but I think this is a good idea. Many schools do not require students to volunteer in community service. I agree that students should have to volunteer to graduate. I think that students should be forced to volunteer for community service sometime in their high school career as it makes people work and shows them what work really is. It also gets people off there lazy tail.
It is stated that the" United States was founded on the right to pursue happiness", This is our given right. I mysel strongly belive in the heart of service, Volentary services should not be mandatory, it would take away the freedom and joy of helping others.Personally as a volunteer myself at a hospital of my choiceenjoy helping peopleon my own free time and will. Being able to choose on my own to help others is so fulfilment.
Do you think Americans should be forced to volunteer for some form of national service? Yes because in my opinion it should be required because there are soldiers overseas that fight for our freedom. Even if it was civilian service such as the police force or firefighter it should be required. It would be a good idea because if you think about it this way each and everyone of us has a job be it military or civilian service. Also if you look at it like this, with more civilian service the place we live will be safe just like with more national service.
Volunteering in America is something that has helped this country to grow the way it has. Services that were given through volunteering are a necessary part of how this country has dealt with its challenges. Beyond the wars that have made and changed the lives of Americans, this country has also had to deal with tragedy that strikes with natural
Some may find that mandatory national service is taking away from those who love and aspire to volunteer. Although this may be the case for some, mandatory national service could also be a good thing. For example, people that are unemployed could use this as a source of a job or even just something to fill their time. What of the working Americans? Is it right for all citizens to be required the same amout of service? All citizens would have to be treated equally whatever the out come is to be.
Perspective is everything. You need to think about one thing in different perspectives. Imagine walking into a neighborhood with people that are in situations, such as, being hungry or in poverty and you are wealthy so you do nothing. However, if you were living in their shoes, you would be begging for a meal or even a roof over your head. This is the reason why there needs to be more volunteers for community service to help others that do need the help, even if they don’t ask for it. In this article, “Should the United States Establish Mandatory Public Service for Young Adults?” by Kent Ansen (2013), the proposition that the author made is an interesting one and one that I believe in but I think that it should be suggested rather than mandatory.
Warfare has historically caused many governments to take extreme measures in hopes of uprooting any possibility of internal division. Unfortunately, the United States is not an excep-tion. Ever since the defeat of Axis powers in 1945, historians have repeatedly criticized the ex-ecutive order of Franklin D. Roosevelt that legalized racist targeting of Japanese-Americans dur-ing World War II. Due to such intense scrutiny, unfair wartime oppression against the Japanese has been widely publicized. On the other hand, forced relocation of German-Americans to in-ternment camps in Texas and other relatively rural states, often to a greater extent in its magni-tude and scope, has been disregarded by many scholars due to its lack of intuitive racial implica-tions. In light of such oversight, this paper seeks to bring to attention the unfair criminalization of individuals with German backgrounds and Texas’ active contribution to that process during and after World War II.
Americans have had to learn to live in a democratic society. Before and during World War II, the idea of citizenship was an important part of American life. Along with that idea came the responsibility to vote and to participate in the process of making our communities better places to live. John Kennedy revived the idea of citizenship in the 1960s when he called upon Americans to "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." In recent years, however, the idea of citizenship seems to have faded away. Most importantly, mandatory national service might also help people to better understand the true meaning of democracy. Whether they serve their country in the
I don’t believe that people of the U.S. should be required to be in the military for at least a year. I believe that it should be encouraged but that no one should be forced. Something like serving for your country isn’t something that everyone is cut out for and we also do not know why they did not join on their own in the first place. I think that a benefit in mandatory public service is advancement in society. When people participate in things going on in society it tends to give people an understanding of other’s views and sometimes brings people of society together. The U.S. is very diverse and many people of this country have a different race or ethnic background so by forcing people to do some sort of public service you might gain some
When looking at an orginiazation, such as Scouts, we see that when encouraging youth to serve their communities they are more willing to continue to serve into adulthood. When we force youth to spend time serving they tend to see it in a negitive way and don't want to do it. I see the same with adults, if we encourage them to do it rather than force them they'll be more willing to do so.
The topic of mandatory national service has been around for years now, and there will always be arguments on whether it should be enforced or not. Some may say that it takes away our freedom, but is it not what gives us freedom in the first place? The United States’ military, national service, as well as community service is based on volunteers. That is what makes this country great, but there are less volunteers as years go by. Crime increases, streets are not safe anymore, Americans are oblivious to what is happening around the world. There are so many opportunities to give back to the country, yet, not many care. Today’s generation is based on social trends, and self-gratification. There is also the fact that many young people do not know what to do with their life after high school, some continue to college or focus on work, others do not work nor study. Therefore, all young men and women should be required to give two years to national service because it can help solve problems as well as build the community back together.
I love the idea of providing students with a variety of opportunities that would satisfy each student's needs. Whether its research, volunteering and community service, it all is provided here. The curriculum also allows for a great amount of flexibility enabling students to pursue these other interest that would make them very competitive for residencies. I have a great interest in practicing in underserved communities upon graduation, therefore every opportunity I get to volunteer in clinics and shadow physician in underserved regions is something I look forward to here at Western University of Health Sciences. Likewise, the diverse student body is great as each student come from various backgrounds and have unique experiences all of which
One of the greatest problems facing America today is the fact that we still rely on volunteer military service. The idea that Americans have to rely on a volunteer fighting force to defend this great country is very unsettling. In fact, the number of U.S Soldiers has been reduced to its lowest number since 1940, which then forces the military to depend on unstable and unprepared soldiers. This will put not only those troops at risk, but also our country. The only way to solve the weakness of volunteer military service is to implement a new idea. That idea would be to make it mandatory for all able-bodied citizens over the age of 18 to serve. Another name for this practice is called mandatory military service. Mandatory Military service will solve the problem of Volunteer Military service by maintaining and accumulating a strong military force quickly and promoting unity in the country.
The first point that will convince to be a volunteer is problem that people don’t have time to volunteer. A) Many young people go to colleges and universities; they are busy with homework and projects. B) Besides, most people try to get real job that will help them to get money. C) Also, some people in young age have children and they need to care about them so they don’t have time to volunteer. (Transition: Next, let’s look at cause that most people don’t understand the seriousness of being a volunteer.)
As an 18-year-old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I was a victim of “tyranny” in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop their moral value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without the school supervision.