
Maniac: A Narrative Fiction

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Maniac The lights flickered, then went out entirely. Black engulfed the house, swallowing it whole. I set down my copy of Catching Fire and stumbled my way down the hall to my tone-deaf brother’s room. He’d been making shrieking noises all night playing his out of tune saxophone, interrupting my reading. I pushed open his door, the hinges creaking slightly. “Care to go downstairs and fix the power, Sam?” I asked, pushing my long, dark hair out of my eyes.
Not looking up at me, he calmly switched on his phone’s flashlight and pointed it toward his sheet music. “You’re the older brother, Drew,” he pointed out. He smirked at me, his hazel eyes catching the light, setting them ablaze.
“Sammy, I’m at the best part of the book!” I whined, throwing myself against the wall. …show more content…

“You just don’t want to go down to the basement because you’re still afraid of the dark.”
I huffed, “Am not!” Furious, I slammed his door and bolted down the stairs to the kitchen. I’ll show him, I thought. Panting, I crept over to the basement door. Gripping the rusty door knob, I slowly opened the door and tiptoed down the first few stairs. The humid, musky air made my nose tingle.
Suddenly, a deafening noise came from behind me, like a clap of thunder. A freezing cold breeze rushed over my skin, giving me goosebumps. I whirled around to see the door closed.
I smirked, “Ha, ha very funny,

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