
Mao Zedong And Its Effects On China 's Twentieth Century

Satisfactory Essays

Aliz A. Smith
HIS 10000 – World History
Professor: Tracy Rehbein Capps
March 13, 2016.

Mao Zedong 's Communist China

Mao Zedong had major positive and negative effects on China’s twentieth century development.Let me begin with the positives. He modernized, liberated and united the ancient, isolated, non-civilized China that fought an almost two decade long civil war and turned it into a major industrial power. He extended social services; healthcare and education. He supported and gave women equal rights, introduced marriage laws, stopped child and forced marriages, and women got right for divorce, also legalized abortion. He is nearly eliminated economic inequality, redistributed the land so every peasant had a small portion. Maoism inspired other nations for anti-colonial movements, especially in Western societies. This is the Chinese form of Marxist-Leninsm. The base of its ideology that agricultural laborers are the strong base of a successful revolution. He fought and against the Japanese invaders during WWII.
But his ruling had some not so appealing programs like: “The Great Leap Forward” failed and turned into a disaster. He shifted private farms to common places. Instead of growing the agriculture the fertility of farmlands declined, because the expectations were too high, the changes were too fast and dramatic, also the farmers couldn 't adjust quickly to the new system which was not efficient. Sadly, 30 million Chinese people starved to death and died from

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