
Marginalization Of Minorities In Education Essay

Decent Essays

The first factor that has hindered the minority community in education is the marginalization of the minority community. For decades the minorities have had to succumb to harsh living conditions and sub-par environments that are filled with drugs, crime, and may more problems. Minorities that have been marginalized to these circumstances are often times on government assistance and welfare, with family’s barley making it to survive month to month. With such conditions existing, this becomes a burden for young children and teens who are attending school. For young children, they are often times not given the attention needed by the parents to be successful in school, with no one to turn to when in need of help on homework this can discourage the child when school work begins to be difficult for their young mind. For teenagers, they are often times …show more content…

Dating back to before the civil war, most African-American were unable to even attend school strictly based off of their color. This limited African-American to black-only schools that were taught by other African-American, who were as you could imagine not well educated themselves. In 1954, Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, was ruled in favor of Brown which outlawed segregation in schools making it unconstitutional. Though African-American were allowed in the classroom, post-ruling, they still faced an uphill battle has the white community would make it difficult for blacks to thrive in these now integrated schools. With such a harsh history of African-Americans in education this has aided in the pitfalls of education. In 2015, most college institutions are predominantly white still, education has always been salient to white children but it has not been the same for minorities, who have never placed salience on education because of history telling them it’s not their

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