
Margret Sanger's Influence On Society

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As the roaring 20 came about many of changes came along with it. A woman by the name of Margaret Sanger helped shape society as it is today. By letting women know about family planning, it gave them the knowledge of being able to have sex without having kids. Although this method defied traditional views and beliefs of the American society. Margret Sanger helped save the life’s of many woman by not letting them jump into parenthood to early, saving them from the finical burden of not being able to afford kids, and also saving them from unorthodox methods of abortions that often led to death. Although traditional society didn’t believe in contraception, Margret Sanger wanted women to know that they had a choice in it. Woman didn’t have to live …show more content…

In many cases, a unexpected pregnancy was often frowned upon and women would try any means necessary to abort the pregnancy, even if it put their own life at risk. Abortions were against the law but many seemed to get away with it with homemade remedies. Often than not the homemade remedies or the unsterilized clinics killed the patents and had no regards on to whether the women lived or died. While Margaret Sanger was a trained nurse, she knew that it was illegal to give out information about contraception; but, if the information of contraception was given out by a physician than it was allowed. While opening the first clinic to help women and prevent unplanned pregnancy. She a historical significance and symbol of hope for many. While saving many women’s lives from living the traditional style of society, and just being a child bearing mother. Women for once had a choice in how they could live their lives, and choose on whether that they wanted to have kids.
Margret Sanger emphasized to America on the need for birth control and how it could help America. Having birth control would save many of woman from unorthodox methods of abortions. Having birth control would save people from the burden of bringing a child into a life that they couldn’t afford to raise. Although her thought challenged many views of American standard Margaret Sanger helped change and save many

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