
Marigolds Short Story Characters

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In the short story “Marigolds”, Eugenia Collier uses character development of the protagonist and mood to help the reader better understand that happiness doesn’t come from destroying one’s attempt at making beauty. Opening into the story, Collier uses mood to help the reader focus on the climax. The mood of the story starts out quite dim, dreary, and depressed. The narrator explains how she believes that God wasn’t accommodating and didn’t provide for them in the beginning of the story. Lizabeth says, “But God was chary with miracles those days, and so we waited- and waited.”(Collier 76). Readers learn from this how the narrator was agitated and didn’t believe that it was fair that they were suffering. She believed that God should be merciful and grant them some miracles. However, downstream in the story, Miss Lottie’s marigolds are beautiful and stunning, which is in opposition the mood from the beginning of the story. The whole story doesn’t have a despondent mood. The narrator continues with, “Beyond the dusty brown yard, in front of the sorry gray house, rose suddenly and shockingly a dazzling strip of bright blossoms, clumped together in enormous mounds, warm and passionate and sun golden.”(Collier 79). This advances the idea of a silver lining in a rotten time. Unfortunately, approaching the end of the story, the mood takes a somber and mournful turn again. After Lizabeth gets caught disfiguring the flowers by Miss Lottie, Lizabeth feels shame, regret, and sorrow,

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