
Marji Belonging

Satisfactory Essays

While Marji is struggling to find her sense of belonging, now that she is in Vienna she is constantly searching for a replacement family. From all the lessons that her family has taught her she realizes that her grandmother provides insight to never forget who she truly is. Marji, however, does not seem to grasp this teaching easily because she is trying to please others and adapt a sense of belonging. Her grandmother tells her before she leaves “There is nothing worse than bitterness … always keep your dignity and be true to yourself” (150). Marji tries her best to start with her family as identifying as Iranian, however, she finds this challenging because she is having a hard time fitting in. In search of a replacement family, she constantly tries out new things just to fit in and not to be seen as a typical violent Iranian by her peers. …show more content…

The illustration form of the work shows how even though she is away from home, her parent figures played important roles in the ways she was raised that she even feels guilty that she was so fast to change who she was to substitute them for the lack of family. The film does not hone in on how important the component of lack of family is affecting Marji, however, in the book, there is a portrait (194) that contains each member of her family that she believes she has left done by not sticking by her identity. Although parent figures play a huge role in the development of Marji becoming a woman she cannot seem to grasp and internalize the importance of staying true

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