
Mark Dion's Art Analysis

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Artwork that depicts the environment is fascinating. Artists that create artwork about environmentalism and ecology tend to focus on nature as a whole or one specific thing from nature. They like to create artwork that shows how things shape our understanding of the natural world, show the changing of landscapes of the American West, or even artwork that addresses some of the problems with animal rights. Mark Dion is an artist who observes how ideologies and public schools tend to mold our understanding of the natural world and history. Robert Adams is a photographer who documents the issues about the changing of the American West. His photography shows how nature is being destroyed because of the fast paced growth of human living and society. Marco Evaristti is an installation artist like Mark Dion but Evaristti’s art focuses on animal rights. He uses living animals in certain situations to where the audience could potentially cause harm to the animals. This kind of artwork focused around the environment and nature really appealed to me because I like the outdoors and seeing animals in the wild. These three artists appealed to me because I liked their reasoning behind their artwork. I do believe urban cities are growing at a really …show more content…

He uses real objects from nature for his pieces. His art uses up space in order for the objects to be seen. A lot of space is taken up if he is using big objects and little space is taken up if it’s small ones. Because his artwork is installation art that uses real life objects, the mass and volume of the art is the same with how the objects are seen in real life. One artwork he placed rats in a tree that were being hung by strings. The size of the rats and the tree were normal sized and exactly how we would picture it. The texture of his work seems to play a big role too because it always people to see he is using real life objects for his art. It lets people know that these are not fake

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