
Mark Twain's Essay On The Decay On The Art Of Lying

Decent Essays

We are all liars. Have you wondered how many times you lie in one day? A study by the University of Massachussets says that we lie two to three times every ten minutes1. But, don`t feel bad, you`re with dishonest company. The problem is not that we lie, it is that we do not lie well. In his famous essay, “On the Decay on the Art of Lying,” author Mark Twain says there is a good kind of lying, and we need to understand how to lie artfully. Such being said, Twain implies that everyone lies. No matter how truthful of a person you are, you are a liar. We do it unconsciously, and consciously, in our sleep, and in our waking hours, no one is exempted from this. There are different degrees and forms of lying, but, inevitably, we all do it. He gives

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