
Under Armour Footwear Industry

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Marketing is an indispensable tool which every company applies in their day to day running and management. Marketing focuses on how to reach consumers and create awareness of the available products and services offered by a particular company, (Hulepete & Hathcote, 2005). While doing marketing, a general assumption is made that the message will reach targeted markets and will be perceived by the consumers as intended by the sender. Due to the coming of several companies to form a particular industry based on the similarity of the products or complimentary nature of the products and services offered, marketing has become quite popular across the globe, (Hulepete & Hathcote, 2005). Each company within the industry uses every available channel to make their products and services visible to the consumers. Therefore, this paper gives a comprehensive analysis of Apparel and Footwear industry in relation to how marketing shapes up the destiny of companies within the industry. In order to conceptualize the ideas discussed on the industry section, the paper has picked on Under Armour Inc. whose performance in the industry has inspired top 100 listings in the Standard & Poor’s list of 500 companies. Under Armour’s stocks is ranked 77 in the S & P Index 2014 and 2015, (Form 10-K, 2014).
The final part of the paper is a recommendation of the marketing strategies that can be used by Under Armour to maximize their performance and gains in the industry.

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