
Marketing Campaign For A Product And The Target Market

Better Essays

Target Marketing
Advertisements and numerous other marketing tactics are everywhere you look; a great amount of companies does some sort of marketing with their products. Companies look for ways to get their products noticed and to win you over as a customer. Planning and research is crucial before marketing to consumers. In their analysis, they narrow down who would buy their products or utilize their service, and they target market those consumers. Their whole advertisement campaign for a product will target the individuals they believe will become their customers, usually by any means necessary. Whether the marketing campaign is ethical or unethical usually depends on the product and the target market. Unfortunately, no matter how much we dislike being labeled into a group that a company targets, it happens every day and in most cases, that is what companies do so their marketing dollars are not wasted. In addition to the labeling, some of the targeting is actually unethical and unfair to certain groups, and some companies will stop at nothing to get their product noticed and in the hands of consumers.
Marketing takes strategy, a company does their homework to try to prevent failure of a product. They do the research to see which consumers may need or want their products. A firm segments its market so that it can respond to the wants of groups of potential buyers. It would be easier for the marketing department if not everyone had different wants and needs.

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