
Marketing Essay

Decent Essays

Secondary Research
TRIBE was founded in 2015 by three friends and ultra-runners Guy, Rob and Tom, who took part in a 1000 mile run across Eastern Europe to fight against human trafficking. Their journey is what inspired TRIBE and together with a simple mission, they decided to set out and develop the highest quality performance nutrition products from 100% natural ingredients to help prepare others for their own though journeys. They have since then launched 25+ natural products; protein bars, energy blaze trails, protein shakes and trail mixes. Today TRIBE is growing fast (Tribe, 2017). TRIBE is currently an online retailer, adopting a direct-to-consumer online subscription model (Holloman, 2016). TRIBE specifically targets runners and …show more content…

Channels management is one of the key parts of the marketing mix. Channel managers, need to review channels structures to ensure the way consumers want to buy is satisfied, for example, the massive growth for internet brands they need to ensure their products are available within the wide variety and fast-changing trends.

Channel is the gatekeeper between manufacturers and the end user, each member heavily relies on one another, from the diagram above it shows that TRIBE doesn’t have one tier, nor two tiers involved within their distribution channel structure as they use a direct chain of distribution to their customers via the online website. The thriving of the internet has enabled growth of direct channels. Back in October TRIBE opened their own shake shack for promotional purposes only this went on for only a couple of weeks nonetheless it’s another channel to analyse. Marketing channels range from direct to multitier structures, however direct selling is the most straightforward and simplest channel. The producer sells directly to the end-user without the help of intermediaries (Time, n.d.). Indirect distribution channels sell to someone who then sells the product to the end-user which occurs in two different outlets retailers and wholesalers:

Retailer: Selling a product to a retailer which then sells to the end-user, an example of this is a farmer selling fresh vegetables to a local grocery (Lake, 2009).
 Wholesaler: This is

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