The Problem and its Setting
I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
Premarital sex, also known as adolescent sex or youthful sex is a sexual activity that is practiced by people who are not yet married. The term “premarital sex” is referred to any sexual relations among people prior to marriage. During the 1950s, Western societies consider men and women of age 21 as a legal basis for marriage, as such there were no considerations that one who had sex would not marry. Thus, the case was not clear whether sexual intercourses between individuals legally forbidden from marrying, or one uninterested in marrying could be considered premarital.
Historically, premarital sex is considered as taboo by many cultures
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6. What do they think is the main reason for the gradual increase of premarital sex in the country?
7. How will the students contribute in spreading the knowledge about the effects of premarital sex?
C. Significance of the Study
This study will benefit the following: 1. Students
Students will definitely be the main beneficiary for this study because they are expected to educate people about the study as it assess and measure their awareness and involvement on the different effects of premarital sex. Students will be able to determine the significance of the study. 2. Parents
Parents will also benefit as they acquire additional knowledge brought by the study. The youth should be guided as they enter the stage of curiosity. Parents should be well-equipped with knowledge and explanations so that children of young ages are ensured of well-rounded and better future. 3. Women
Majority of females are composed of young ones and teenagers. As a beneficiary of this study, concerns will be much on focus with the health of women. Generally speaking, the increase in awareness of people to the effects of premarital sex will ensure women of good health. There will be less transmuted diseases, reduced unwanted pregnancies, decreased number of abortions, and lowered death cases among women. 4. Government
The last beneficiary will be the government. Being the great wall of our society, the government’s role
Premarital sex was viewed as wrong when I was younger. It was the social norm to have sex once two individuals were married to each other. As I got older, I have noticed that individuals my age did not follow that norm to the point that it has become socially accepted today as normal behavior. On the contrary, my parent’s generation still view premarital sex as deviant since majority
In Badertscher and Geier’s article, the authors provided various rhetorical devices and strategies to support their dispute. The use of cause-effect was implemented adequately into their article. While discussing about sex education, the authors describe how the programs might motivate young adults to become sexual active. For instance, “teens who took a comprehensive sex education were significantly more likely to initiate sexual intercourse” (Badertscher, Geier). This allows the audience to realize that sex education programs may be the cause of why most young adults engage in sexual activities or why the population of teen pregnancies or critical diseases are increasing spontaneously. The use of expert testimony was also added into their
Barr et al. (2014) study reported in the study that sexual education taught only by the teachers would be effective in preventing teen pregnancy. The teachers would have to be competent, skillful and content on the subject of sex with the student. The National Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education is an unexpected effort but with years to come the program will become active (Barr et al., 2014). The results of the study indicated that by letting teachers teach teens about sex education decreased teenage pregnancy (Barr et al.,
“A 2011 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey indicates that more than 47 percent of all high school students say they have had sex; and 15 percent of high school students have had sex with four or more partners during their lifetime,” (NCSL). In our society today sex is a very open subject and is being observed by young adults in everyday life. Walking down the street we see half naked women plastered on billboards and street signs, leaving nothing to the imagination and making adolescents everywhere question why and wonder what that is. As children we are taught that abstinence before marriage is the right way to live, and engaging in such
Policies should be put in place to make the young adults better educated, in all areas of physical intimacy. Under the abstinence-only approach students are given no information about contraception, and other ways of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. We should educate the best habits of prevention, and state that abstinence is the best way to prevent unplanned pregnancy or the spread of STD’s.
In this study, the researcher has come across a plethora of articles pertaining to teen pregnancy. All the articles
But they get the message that sex is risky.” They begin to see sex as a sensitive issue that should be taken very seriously because it involves life-changing consequences. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that teaching about contraception and making them available to teenagers was not associated with increased risk of sexual activity as many abstinence-only supporters have insisted. Therefore, the availability of birth control along with education about it does not increase sexual activity but informs teenagers to practice good decision-making for their bodies and their future.
Every culture has marriage rituals that help differentiate them from each other. Traditions and customs in ancient Roman wedding etiquette was not very different from bridal etiquette today. Their wedding customs have actually set the basis for many modern weddings today. However, there were some customs that were very important to the Romans that do not completely relate to modern customs. An engagement ring, the choice of which date and location, the dressing of the bride, and the legalizing of the marriage itself were all important to the Ancient Roman culture.
Schools should educate students about their bodies, and how to protect them. “The point of this kind of sex education is to inform teenagers about the possible risks of being sexually active and to educate them about methods of birth control and sexually transmitted infection protection.” Students deserve the basic human right live freely, and if their choice may be, considering about 70% of the national teenage population usually make this decision anyway, to be involved in sexual relations than there needs to be a basic knowledge of safety
The program will measure if the reproductive health education is reducing unintended pregnancies in the two high schools, as well as assessing the knowledge of the “Reproductive Life Plan” among the students. This will be done by creating a pre and post evaluation survey in which will incorporate qualitative and quantitative data. These surveys will be handed out to the 9th grade students in the health science class at the beginning and at the end of the fall and spring semester. For the evaluation process, we will be adopting the five dimensions of the RE-AIM Model which include: reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation, and maintenance (PMC, 2010). The outcome data will be share to the high schools’ administrators and the school base clinics’
Teenage sexual activity has sparked an outcry within the nation. With such activity comes a high price. Studies have shown that there has been a significant rise in the number of children with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), emotional and psychological problems, and out-of-wedlock childbearing. Sex has always been discussed publically by the media, television shows, music and occasionally by parents and teachers in educational context. Teens hear them, and as the saying goes, “monkey see, monkey do”, they are tempted to experiment with it. Therefore, it is important for every teenager to be aware of the outcome associated with premature-sex. If students are educated about the impact of
These days it seems that teenagers are experiencing sexual intercourse earlier in life than those of previous generations. There are many physical, emotional, and behavioral consequences that can plague early starters, such as teenage pregnancy, STD’s, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, etc. These consequences affect not only their teenage years, but they can follow early starters into early adult years. This study goes beyond the early adult years, to see if any reproductive health consequences extend as far as middle adulthood.
Sexual education is a highly debatable topic, but many believe the information taught to students should be abstinence-only. Abstinence-only education has been put in place in order to educate students about the social, mental, and physical benefits of resisting from all sexual activity. It emphasizes the unsafe impacts of participating in sexual activity before marriage and having casual sex. It also promotes the idea that sexual abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Abstinence education only permits the discussion of contraception and condoms in terms of failure in order to utterly discourage casual sex (Wilgoren, 1). Along with teaching the physical dangers of sex, abstinence education also teaches the mental dangers of sex (Abstinence-Only Education, 1). Sex has many risks and dangers that are not
Over many years, the views of premarital sex have been becoming increasingly more tolerant. The whole reasoning behind why sex was created is lost in the minds of society and used for pleasure and own physical satisfaction. There are negative consequences for these actions leading to guilt, depression, and numbness to intimate relationships. Having strong parental influence can also strongly affect the outcomes of adolescence and causal sex. Additionally, marriage can be
Knowledge about condoms and contraceptives provide the teenagers a better understanding which may lessen the incidence of early pregnancies and infections brought about by sexual intercourse. The author also recommends the government to sponsor condom availability programs for high school students to provide more access to condoms and contraceptives. Prohibiting the young people of today from using condoms and contraceptives may only increase the problems of illnesses and unwanted pregnancies so it may be more beneficial to do