
Martin Luther King Jr. And Antigone: An Analysis

Decent Essays

Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Antigone stand up for what they believe to be morally and theologically right by breaking what they believe to be “unjust laws.” They believe it to be their responsibility to stand up for what is just, even if that directly opposes the government, because if not, injustice would continue. They both willingly accept the penalty for their actions to prove that they know precisely the implications of their actions, and are not simply being criminals. The largest difference in the two is that whereas MLK separates the wrongdoers from the injustices they do, Antigone does not. This explains why Antigone more directly attacks Creon, this however changes the focus from the burial of Polynices, to the drama surrounding …show more content…

“We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” (King 3) MLK used logic to appeal to the clergymen in his “letter from a Birmingham Jail” as to explain the reasoning behind his actions. King quotes Thomas Jefferson as having said: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ..." So, the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be.” (King 6). King did this to give historical reference to show where he believed his movement would fit into the world’s timeline. One of the most significant documents in history was written from his jail cell using only his mind as a reference. This indicated that he was extremely well educated and that his beliefs were well grounded in reason. The manner of which MLK explained his belief of just versus unjust laws demonstrated that he knew exactly what he was doing. He was not a simple criminal, but a level-headed and educated man making rational decisions to further a cause. This validation really allowed him to explore all the benefits of civil disobedience. Due to his status, he was not to be simply cast off as some random

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