
Martin Luther Research Paper

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Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Saxony, which is now Germany in 1483. Martin’s parents are Hans and Margaretta Luther. Both of his parents were peasants. His father was a hard worker he started off in the mines and ended up owning several small mines. Hans Luther became a small scales businessman. Martin went the Latin school at Mansfeld in 1490. Then he went to Magdeburg in 1497. Then he went to Eisenach in 1498. Martin’s father wanted him to be a lawyer to keep the success going in there family, which his father had started. Martin enrolled at the University of Erfurt in 1501. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1502 and a master of arts in 1505. That same year he enrolled in the instructors of law. In between the years of 1503 and 1505, he went through a religion change that took him away from being a lawyer. …show more content…

About that time lighting struck the tree. The tree exploded and when it did if made Martin fall and land on his face. He started yelling and then he said, “Save me, save me.” He believes that God saved him and he decided that since God saved him then he wanted to become a monk. So Martin became a monk and done everything to serve God but he did not forget about his studies. In 1512, he got his doctorate and became a professor of biblical studies. Martin continued theological studies for Christians for a long time. In the sixteenth century, some people were beginning to question what the Roman Catholic Church taught. Also around the sixteenth century original text became worldwide. Martin shared Augustine’s beliefs that will form the Protestantism. Luther vigorously objected to the corrupt practice of selling indulgences. Acting on this he wrote the 95

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