
Martin Luther's Impact On The Catholic Church

Decent Essays

This essay will be about the changes that were made prior to the Reformation. Martin Luther was one of the main people who had made a significant impact for the Catholic Church that changed many people’s lives for the better. Some people didn’t agree with what Martin Luther’s actions, or what he had to say. Many people also loved what he did, and they are still thanking him today. These changes and important factors that will be explained throughout the essay.

The 95 These was the most significant impacts that Martin Luther had made. The 95 Theses were written in 1517 and it challenged the teachings and the indulgences of the catholic Church at the time (, 2016). Martin Luther felt as though that the Church officials were teaching the public that they could literally buy their way into the kingdom of God (, 2016), for example some people truly believed that if you bought something like a piece of paper, it was like a ticket straight into heaven. He nailed the 95 Theses on the gate of the Wittenberg Church, this caught people’s attention and shortly enough it started a theological debate; this then lead to the Reformation. The 96 Theses got people thinking, and agreeing with what Martin Luther had to say. He strongly disagreed with the fact that people were being punished/abused for indulging and/or sinning. The 95 Theses created a full Reformation of …show more content…

The 95 Theses were distributed throughout Germany and then they made their way to Rome. The Pope declared that Martin Luther should disown the 95 These, Luther didn’t go through with this and the Pope sent interrogators to Martin Luther, and he was charged with heresy, just for his opinions about the Catholic Church at the time. This all lead for the revolution that hit Wittenberg first. Pope Leo X ex-communicated Martin Luther (Understanding Faith, 2016) for disobeying

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