
Marx 's Dream Of A Utopian Land

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According to Marx when a country adopts communism, it is beneficial for all. Marx’s dream of a utopian land is reachable when a county lives by the Communist Manifesto. His dream was for a country to live and work for the happiness and well being of fellow men. This requires a government to work for the well being of everyone as well. He believed the producers, corporations and the rich controlled the government and they did not really represent most of the people. According to Marx, a communist government would be a moral victory for everyone. Everyone is equal, all would benefit, and no one holds station or power over another person. This sense of equality and community is what Marx believes is key to happiness and harmony. The first step to achieving Marx’s vision of a utopian communist nation is ridding an area of classes. Marx quotes in his work, “And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an over-riding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state that it has to feed him instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie; in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society” (467). Instead of being divided into workers and employers, rich and poor, society will be an association of

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